
Sunday 25 January 2015

The Liebster Award

Hi everyone,

I got nominated for something I'd never heard of before. It's called the Liebster Award and it's given to bloggers by bloggers, meaning that somewhere along the line I must have done something right.

There are certain rules to this and because I'm lazy I'll copy and paste them from +Regina Reviewa 's blog as she nominated me, so thanks!

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answers the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions
5. Notify your nominees through social media

I don't know 11 other bloggers to the point where I could recommend them for this so I'll do a few that I really enjoy. Here are the questions I was given.

#1 What is your favourite animal?
I have to say a penguin due to having watched Madagascar and Happy Feet.

#2 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Personally I would choose Australia because I think it would be really good due to the weather, the fact that they speak English and I really enjoyed it when I went to see it. However it isn't really realistic for me.

#3 What is your favourite brand of make-up?
The paintbrush.

#4 Choose one - Internet access or make up?
Clearly I'd choose make-up...

#5 What is your favourite blog to read atm?
I have to say, I do enjoy reading +Jess Nolan 's Mirth Box

#6 What is your favourite thing to do?
Spend time with Natasha, take part in musical theatre, play hockey. In that order I think

#7 What is your dream in life?
To lead a happy life, making enough to get by and a bit on the side and doing a job that I love

#8 Who is your favourite singer?
Frank Sinatra by far, I really love his style

#9 Can you speak more than one language?
Well I did French GCSE, so no, not really

#10 Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs called Darcey and Purdey, they're labradoodles (Which is a brilliant name in itself)

#11 What is the best present you have ever received?
I will maintain that it is chocolates made by Natasha and a card with a drawing of two elephants decorating a christmas tree. Don't ask, but it makes me smile beyond belief

So I'd like to nominate

as I really love reading their blogs and here are my questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What's your best meal you can cook?
4. What's your opinion on 1D?
5. Can you do any good impressions?
6. What motivates you to write?
7. Would you get married in later life?
8. Wuu2?
9. Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bikes around the hall?
10. What's your favourite film?
11. Have you ever seen a musical?

Thanks for your time



  1. Thanks for the nomination Tim! How did you know you won it?

  2. It seems just like a chain thing to help people find new blogs. Just give it a google but it's a nice thing nonetheless I guess :)

    1. It is a nice thing. Well done for getting it! :) So do people vote on who wins or if you are nominated do you write the blog post and nominate more people?

    2. As far as I know it's just one of those things you pass on and it's sort of like a chain. It's just a way for people to find out about new blogs by telling people who read the post which blogs you enjoy
