
Tuesday 13 January 2015

The apple of my eye

Hello again!

So far today has been relatively eventful. I had a rather inspiring awakening at roughly 5:30 am this morning which made me question how well the day ahead was going to go. Despite this, I soldiered on back to sleep and acted out the persona of what I believed to be "a good fresher". I re-emerged from my duvet cocoon at around 8:30 ish, luckily in reasonable time for me to get a shower and start trying to frantically revise for the upcoming exam which had the whole of my year in disarray. This would be our first final exam and covered our first module of "Psychology as a Science". I have to say, I don't mind exams normally...

Except when it's an hour and a half and they're expected roughly 6 sides of A4 worth of essays to be handed back to them by the end of it.
The sound of that still gives me goosebumps and I've finished it already!

So upon checking that my girlfriend had managed to persuade herself that this exam was also worth attending, despite most of her being telling her that she didn't want to get up, I cracked on with "revision" and tried to push the panic to one side.

 One of the ways I was persuading myself that live was still worth living and this was only one exam was to think of all the joys that could be undertaken afterwards. Therefore a lunch date to the pancake and waffle restaurant/cafĂ© thing that is on the street leading up to our exam hall was arranged for afterwards to make us feel better and know that comfort food was readily available.

So the time was nigh, we set off holding hands and reminding each other that it will all be alright as we went to the exam hall in the University's main arts building. A few last minute attempts at remembering our revision had no effect as we accepted our fate and wandered on in, to what awaited us.

To be honest it could have been a lot worse. I've actually taken an Undergraduate level final exam in Psychology and came out of the other end without bleeding fingers! I consider that a success regardless of the final result personally. After reuniting with the lady-friend we headed straight for the pancake shop, following the aromas that lay within. It was a really nice lunch and for £3 the pancakes we had with nutella and white chocolate were simply just out of this planet. Oh my gosh.

To update you to the current moment when I'm writing this, we have been in my room and I've been the subject of girlfriend therapy. It's quite good for any guys wondering. I got offered a back massage because I hurt myself a bit on hockey last night, we played a few games on the laptop (no, I wasn't thoughtful enough to let her win, sorry...) and since then I've been just looking into her eyes and making myself feel happy and reminding myself what really matters in my life at the moment. Despite what torment an exam can provide your life, there's always a positive that will outweigh it and she makes my world keep spinning.

Anyway, I'm aware this is getting rather long and I don't want anyone drifting off to sleep. I'll speak to you later and update you again just before I go to bed.

Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it.


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