
Tuesday 30 June 2015

What I'm up to

Recently I've been stepping up my photography game seeing as I'm in a pretty amazing part of the world and have been focusing on my relationship with Natasha. Things are going well for me and my first year of uni is done.

I'm now starting up a photography youtube channel to go along with my instagram account seeing as it has generated interest.

Anyone interested should follow the link below to my first video on it.
Also I'll link my instagram !


It would mean the world to me for anyone to check them out and if you like what is on either then please do drop the a like or heart and follow or subscribe as well

Thanks a million

It means a lot


Sunday 26 April 2015

It's been a while


I've not really been on here for a while and that's because things have started to really go places for me. Since I last spoke I was in Captive Audience which went down really well. I've also done Fiddler on the Roof which got given the award for the best performance in the Uni this year!

My next big thing is Coriolanus. After drop outs the production looked likely to stop but after re auditions, I've been given the part of the lead male, Coriolanus. All I've been told is it is a real honour for a fresher to be given a role as big and it is quite the rare occurrence. I decided to write this on a whim like my decision to audition for that role and I'm on my way to get my costume fitted and do a rehearsal.

I've also been with Natasha now for 5 months and after spending Easter with her we are really enjoying each other's company. I remind her every day how much I love her and what she means to me.

If there's such thing as re incarnation, then I must have done something really really special in the previous life to be in this situation.


Monday 26 January 2015

The cringiest video I have ever seen

So last time we spoke I was in between my last 2 lectures of the day. I'm afraid there isn't a lot really to say today but I'll tell all I can!

So Natasha woke up just after I finished writing and we spent the last 15 minutes before the lecture together before walking up to the unbridled terror that is a stats lecture. It was a different lecturer as well so on top of knowing that it would be a lot more difficult and no doubt a lot more boring, we didn't know what our new lecturer would be like. Luckily today the weather wasn't that bad otherwise the walk there would have felt ten times longer than it did!

We got there and seemed to immediately develop the ability to pick the chairs and desks that were squeaky, which was interesting. But oh well, we sat down and got our stuff out ready. In general the lecture was really informative. But at the same time it was also really boring. I don't think I've had a day so far that I didn't need to take any notes and it just made me tired! Luckily the lecture didn't last as long as we feared but I think it will be going down in history in terms of our first year lectures and this is for a very good reason. At the end of the lecture, a video was played. This video is potentially the cringiest I have ever seen. This video was called Statz Rapz.

I think that's all I need to say.

After the longest video that I have seen in my life, we got told, jokingly, that we needed to memorise it for next week and we got out of the hall as fast as possible. Afterwards I went back with Natasha and we chilled out until dinner and had a bit of a nap. I'd not been feeling too well so I decided to not go to hockey training in order to be better for a long day tomorrow.

After dinner the highlight was watching the new episode of Top Gear and then deciding to get to sleep as soon as possible. Tomorrow I have a lovely afternoon of seminars from 12 until 4 and then having an IT skills session until 5. Then at 9 I have a rehearsal for the play I recently got into.

But anyway, it's getting late and I'm quite tired so I'll keep this brief, but I'll to you speak tomorrow when I can!

Thanks for your time



So this morning incorporated the first early start that I've had in a while. As much as I wanted my slumber to be as eternal as possible, I awoke from my fort of duvets just before 7am. I know right, a first year getting out of bed anywhere before 12, what's going on?

Today marks the first set of lectures of our second semester and it was not one to be looked forward to. Starting the day off with a 9am-10am scientific writing and communication lecture, moving on to an 11am-1pm lecture on Brain and Mind, with us yet to face the challenge of the 3pm-5pm stats lecture which lies ahead.

Looking around our lecture hall this morning, it was pretty clear that everyone, including the lecturer was asleep in their own minds. Since it was our first day back after exams we were basically being given information about the module ahead and what awaited us. I think I made about 4 lines of notes in our 9am lecture, seeing as none of the information was useful. For our second lecture it was to be led by a man called Guillaume. Guillaume is a man who is famous for being very entertaining during an applicant day for potential first year students as he called us all "Little ducklings" when telling our parents how safe we would be and made a variety of jokes about the fact his is unmistakably French. We got told that it would be useful that if we wanted to answer his questions, then we should nod or put our hands up.

 He made us practise this to make sure we were awake. No word of a lie.

The actual lecture was really interesting though as he delved into the territory of perception and told us how things that change, even ones that are not at all discreet can be missed if you pay attention on something else. This was demonstrated with a few of those videos where you're given a task and are then asked if you spotted something random that happened at the same time.

Since that lecture, I went for a pancake lunch with Natasha where we had one with nutella and one with white chocolate. Currently we are in my room and she's just fallen asleep, she's been saying she's really tired today but I'll let her sleep for a bit and wake her up just before we have to go.

Speak soon, thanks for your time


Sunday 25 January 2015


Hi friends

Today, the main thing other than my club photo, was my rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof. Despite not being required for the entire 3 hours that were allocated for us, we were required to be there the entire time. I asked my friend Jess whether she was going to get dinner at a takeaway on the way there as there wasn't time to cook without having an early dinner. So she got back and said she was going with a few others and invited me to tag along. For some reason we went 15 minutes earlier than usual which was debatable as a decision and ultimately we still had plenty of time to spare. I wasn't too hungry so I decided on a portion of chips with cheese. We got there in good time and were even early, so we sat down and devoured our portions, being a bit too slow before the start. I'd been annoyed because in the takeaway, I'd had a few things said by one of the others, I'm not wanting to go into it but it was hard to tolerate in honesty, I kept my cool but wasn't happy, it kind of made it worse where it seemed to have been tried to be amended by a compliment afterwards.

We had a bit of time to warm up for the rehearsal where we all played a game called "Postcards". During this a scene is given and you have to be a specific thing in that scene, for example, for a scene of Italy I was a gondola and just lay on the floor. For a scene of university, I just walked into the middle eating the remnants of my chips! It's meant as a bit of fun and gets everyone involved and is quite imaginative.

I wasn't involved in the first scene which took about an hour. So I was sat around watching for the first time while the acted it out, for the others I basically just sat around doing nothing and twiddling my thumbs in a vague attempt of passing the time. Eventually it got to the scene I was involved in which I have to say wasn't brilliant as a scene but we did our best with it. It is pretty basic in how it is set out but was fun in places to do. There were some interesting directions where a friend had to be creepy to a girl after I go off stage, so he was told to stroke her face in a weird way, until he is stopped by another cast member. I can imagine that doesn't sound too good from being read here but I can assure you is wasn't as bad as I make it out to be.

After another wait while another scene was finished, we got our chance to sink our teeth into the dance. We didn't have everyone there so the director filled in. 30 minutes later the missing man turned up and it became significantly easier. We got it all sorted after a few stops and starts and did the dance the whole way through. There was one other thing that was annoying as the choreographer called a 2 minute break and a few people walked off for a drink, only to be gone 15 minutes. This meant that we all had to stay 15 minutes late at the end. Oh well, we eventually got through it all and I stopped off at the pub on the way back to get some quick hydration. We eventually got back and I spent a little time with Natasha while time ticked on and before we get back to the normal routine of lectures tomorrow.

Speaking of which they start at 9am for me so I should go and get some sleep, but I'll report back to you tomorrow!

Thanks for your time


The Liebster Award

Hi everyone,

I got nominated for something I'd never heard of before. It's called the Liebster Award and it's given to bloggers by bloggers, meaning that somewhere along the line I must have done something right.

There are certain rules to this and because I'm lazy I'll copy and paste them from +Regina Reviewa 's blog as she nominated me, so thanks!

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answers the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions
5. Notify your nominees through social media

I don't know 11 other bloggers to the point where I could recommend them for this so I'll do a few that I really enjoy. Here are the questions I was given.

#1 What is your favourite animal?
I have to say a penguin due to having watched Madagascar and Happy Feet.

#2 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Personally I would choose Australia because I think it would be really good due to the weather, the fact that they speak English and I really enjoyed it when I went to see it. However it isn't really realistic for me.

#3 What is your favourite brand of make-up?
The paintbrush.

#4 Choose one - Internet access or make up?
Clearly I'd choose make-up...

#5 What is your favourite blog to read atm?
I have to say, I do enjoy reading +Jess Nolan 's Mirth Box

#6 What is your favourite thing to do?
Spend time with Natasha, take part in musical theatre, play hockey. In that order I think

#7 What is your dream in life?
To lead a happy life, making enough to get by and a bit on the side and doing a job that I love

#8 Who is your favourite singer?
Frank Sinatra by far, I really love his style

#9 Can you speak more than one language?
Well I did French GCSE, so no, not really

#10 Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs called Darcey and Purdey, they're labradoodles (Which is a brilliant name in itself)

#11 What is the best present you have ever received?
I will maintain that it is chocolates made by Natasha and a card with a drawing of two elephants decorating a christmas tree. Don't ask, but it makes me smile beyond belief

So I'd like to nominate

as I really love reading their blogs and here are my questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What's your best meal you can cook?
4. What's your opinion on 1D?
5. Can you do any good impressions?
6. What motivates you to write?
7. Would you get married in later life?
8. Wuu2?
9. Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bikes around the hall?
10. What's your favourite film?
11. Have you ever seen a musical?

Thanks for your time


A big turn out

Good afternoon!

So this morning was another lazy one, I went to bed quite late last night so I decided to spend a bit of time in this morning. I still had some washing up to do from an ice cream and film night with Natasha, providing a reply for a blog post I saw on +Jess Nolan 's blog where she and her boyfriend imitated an evening I spent with Natasha, where I was forcibly sat down in front of Frozen, the 90 minute music video for "Let it go".  I've just got that done now before having my late lunch (It's now 15:15).

My big event today and the reason I had a late lunch was our club photos for hockey at the University. I got there 10 minutes before we were supposed to meet up and after waiting a while, people started to arrive. Eventually there were roughly 7 of us there and we were wondering where everyone else was. After deciding that we would all become temporary members of the first, second and third team, we spotted that the others were waiting in the foyer area just down a corridor. So after coming to the acceptance that I would have to wait a little while longer for my promotion, we all filed into the hall where we had to wait for a few other teams to have their pictures taken. I learnt a few things during this photo shoot. Having a formal club picture, a specific team picture, a fun picture for the club and an individual mugshot can take quite a long time.

After pinching a goalkeeper for our team picture, there was only 10 of us with a normal squad consisting of 11 players. Thinking to myself I decided that the absence of people was either due to the rain outside, people over, or more likely a big Beer pong social last night which caused people to apparently get completely drunk out of their minds. Regardless, I was told it was still a better turn out than last year. One member of the squad actually managed to break his nose in a game yesterday so he was the brunt of a few jokes but at least he got through it.

So after spending £20 and getting back about 15:05, I now have a panoramic club photo which is proudly sitting on top of the shelves above my desk in front of a few bottles of alcohol, so it is doubling up as a shield! Later on I have a rehearsal from 7-10pm for Fiddler on the Roof which will involve dancing and some acting which I'm looking forward to and I'll tell you about afterwards.

Thanks for your time
