
Monday 26 January 2015

The cringiest video I have ever seen

So last time we spoke I was in between my last 2 lectures of the day. I'm afraid there isn't a lot really to say today but I'll tell all I can!

So Natasha woke up just after I finished writing and we spent the last 15 minutes before the lecture together before walking up to the unbridled terror that is a stats lecture. It was a different lecturer as well so on top of knowing that it would be a lot more difficult and no doubt a lot more boring, we didn't know what our new lecturer would be like. Luckily today the weather wasn't that bad otherwise the walk there would have felt ten times longer than it did!

We got there and seemed to immediately develop the ability to pick the chairs and desks that were squeaky, which was interesting. But oh well, we sat down and got our stuff out ready. In general the lecture was really informative. But at the same time it was also really boring. I don't think I've had a day so far that I didn't need to take any notes and it just made me tired! Luckily the lecture didn't last as long as we feared but I think it will be going down in history in terms of our first year lectures and this is for a very good reason. At the end of the lecture, a video was played. This video is potentially the cringiest I have ever seen. This video was called Statz Rapz.

I think that's all I need to say.

After the longest video that I have seen in my life, we got told, jokingly, that we needed to memorise it for next week and we got out of the hall as fast as possible. Afterwards I went back with Natasha and we chilled out until dinner and had a bit of a nap. I'd not been feeling too well so I decided to not go to hockey training in order to be better for a long day tomorrow.

After dinner the highlight was watching the new episode of Top Gear and then deciding to get to sleep as soon as possible. Tomorrow I have a lovely afternoon of seminars from 12 until 4 and then having an IT skills session until 5. Then at 9 I have a rehearsal for the play I recently got into.

But anyway, it's getting late and I'm quite tired so I'll keep this brief, but I'll to you speak tomorrow when I can!

Thanks for your time



So this morning incorporated the first early start that I've had in a while. As much as I wanted my slumber to be as eternal as possible, I awoke from my fort of duvets just before 7am. I know right, a first year getting out of bed anywhere before 12, what's going on?

Today marks the first set of lectures of our second semester and it was not one to be looked forward to. Starting the day off with a 9am-10am scientific writing and communication lecture, moving on to an 11am-1pm lecture on Brain and Mind, with us yet to face the challenge of the 3pm-5pm stats lecture which lies ahead.

Looking around our lecture hall this morning, it was pretty clear that everyone, including the lecturer was asleep in their own minds. Since it was our first day back after exams we were basically being given information about the module ahead and what awaited us. I think I made about 4 lines of notes in our 9am lecture, seeing as none of the information was useful. For our second lecture it was to be led by a man called Guillaume. Guillaume is a man who is famous for being very entertaining during an applicant day for potential first year students as he called us all "Little ducklings" when telling our parents how safe we would be and made a variety of jokes about the fact his is unmistakably French. We got told that it would be useful that if we wanted to answer his questions, then we should nod or put our hands up.

 He made us practise this to make sure we were awake. No word of a lie.

The actual lecture was really interesting though as he delved into the territory of perception and told us how things that change, even ones that are not at all discreet can be missed if you pay attention on something else. This was demonstrated with a few of those videos where you're given a task and are then asked if you spotted something random that happened at the same time.

Since that lecture, I went for a pancake lunch with Natasha where we had one with nutella and one with white chocolate. Currently we are in my room and she's just fallen asleep, she's been saying she's really tired today but I'll let her sleep for a bit and wake her up just before we have to go.

Speak soon, thanks for your time


Sunday 25 January 2015


Hi friends

Today, the main thing other than my club photo, was my rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof. Despite not being required for the entire 3 hours that were allocated for us, we were required to be there the entire time. I asked my friend Jess whether she was going to get dinner at a takeaway on the way there as there wasn't time to cook without having an early dinner. So she got back and said she was going with a few others and invited me to tag along. For some reason we went 15 minutes earlier than usual which was debatable as a decision and ultimately we still had plenty of time to spare. I wasn't too hungry so I decided on a portion of chips with cheese. We got there in good time and were even early, so we sat down and devoured our portions, being a bit too slow before the start. I'd been annoyed because in the takeaway, I'd had a few things said by one of the others, I'm not wanting to go into it but it was hard to tolerate in honesty, I kept my cool but wasn't happy, it kind of made it worse where it seemed to have been tried to be amended by a compliment afterwards.

We had a bit of time to warm up for the rehearsal where we all played a game called "Postcards". During this a scene is given and you have to be a specific thing in that scene, for example, for a scene of Italy I was a gondola and just lay on the floor. For a scene of university, I just walked into the middle eating the remnants of my chips! It's meant as a bit of fun and gets everyone involved and is quite imaginative.

I wasn't involved in the first scene which took about an hour. So I was sat around watching for the first time while the acted it out, for the others I basically just sat around doing nothing and twiddling my thumbs in a vague attempt of passing the time. Eventually it got to the scene I was involved in which I have to say wasn't brilliant as a scene but we did our best with it. It is pretty basic in how it is set out but was fun in places to do. There were some interesting directions where a friend had to be creepy to a girl after I go off stage, so he was told to stroke her face in a weird way, until he is stopped by another cast member. I can imagine that doesn't sound too good from being read here but I can assure you is wasn't as bad as I make it out to be.

After another wait while another scene was finished, we got our chance to sink our teeth into the dance. We didn't have everyone there so the director filled in. 30 minutes later the missing man turned up and it became significantly easier. We got it all sorted after a few stops and starts and did the dance the whole way through. There was one other thing that was annoying as the choreographer called a 2 minute break and a few people walked off for a drink, only to be gone 15 minutes. This meant that we all had to stay 15 minutes late at the end. Oh well, we eventually got through it all and I stopped off at the pub on the way back to get some quick hydration. We eventually got back and I spent a little time with Natasha while time ticked on and before we get back to the normal routine of lectures tomorrow.

Speaking of which they start at 9am for me so I should go and get some sleep, but I'll report back to you tomorrow!

Thanks for your time


The Liebster Award

Hi everyone,

I got nominated for something I'd never heard of before. It's called the Liebster Award and it's given to bloggers by bloggers, meaning that somewhere along the line I must have done something right.

There are certain rules to this and because I'm lazy I'll copy and paste them from +Regina Reviewa 's blog as she nominated me, so thanks!

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answers the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions
5. Notify your nominees through social media

I don't know 11 other bloggers to the point where I could recommend them for this so I'll do a few that I really enjoy. Here are the questions I was given.

#1 What is your favourite animal?
I have to say a penguin due to having watched Madagascar and Happy Feet.

#2 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Personally I would choose Australia because I think it would be really good due to the weather, the fact that they speak English and I really enjoyed it when I went to see it. However it isn't really realistic for me.

#3 What is your favourite brand of make-up?
The paintbrush.

#4 Choose one - Internet access or make up?
Clearly I'd choose make-up...

#5 What is your favourite blog to read atm?
I have to say, I do enjoy reading +Jess Nolan 's Mirth Box

#6 What is your favourite thing to do?
Spend time with Natasha, take part in musical theatre, play hockey. In that order I think

#7 What is your dream in life?
To lead a happy life, making enough to get by and a bit on the side and doing a job that I love

#8 Who is your favourite singer?
Frank Sinatra by far, I really love his style

#9 Can you speak more than one language?
Well I did French GCSE, so no, not really

#10 Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs called Darcey and Purdey, they're labradoodles (Which is a brilliant name in itself)

#11 What is the best present you have ever received?
I will maintain that it is chocolates made by Natasha and a card with a drawing of two elephants decorating a christmas tree. Don't ask, but it makes me smile beyond belief

So I'd like to nominate

as I really love reading their blogs and here are my questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What's your best meal you can cook?
4. What's your opinion on 1D?
5. Can you do any good impressions?
6. What motivates you to write?
7. Would you get married in later life?
8. Wuu2?
9. Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bikes around the hall?
10. What's your favourite film?
11. Have you ever seen a musical?

Thanks for your time


A big turn out

Good afternoon!

So this morning was another lazy one, I went to bed quite late last night so I decided to spend a bit of time in this morning. I still had some washing up to do from an ice cream and film night with Natasha, providing a reply for a blog post I saw on +Jess Nolan 's blog where she and her boyfriend imitated an evening I spent with Natasha, where I was forcibly sat down in front of Frozen, the 90 minute music video for "Let it go".  I've just got that done now before having my late lunch (It's now 15:15).

My big event today and the reason I had a late lunch was our club photos for hockey at the University. I got there 10 minutes before we were supposed to meet up and after waiting a while, people started to arrive. Eventually there were roughly 7 of us there and we were wondering where everyone else was. After deciding that we would all become temporary members of the first, second and third team, we spotted that the others were waiting in the foyer area just down a corridor. So after coming to the acceptance that I would have to wait a little while longer for my promotion, we all filed into the hall where we had to wait for a few other teams to have their pictures taken. I learnt a few things during this photo shoot. Having a formal club picture, a specific team picture, a fun picture for the club and an individual mugshot can take quite a long time.

After pinching a goalkeeper for our team picture, there was only 10 of us with a normal squad consisting of 11 players. Thinking to myself I decided that the absence of people was either due to the rain outside, people over, or more likely a big Beer pong social last night which caused people to apparently get completely drunk out of their minds. Regardless, I was told it was still a better turn out than last year. One member of the squad actually managed to break his nose in a game yesterday so he was the brunt of a few jokes but at least he got through it.

So after spending £20 and getting back about 15:05, I now have a panoramic club photo which is proudly sitting on top of the shelves above my desk in front of a few bottles of alcohol, so it is doubling up as a shield! Later on I have a rehearsal from 7-10pm for Fiddler on the Roof which will involve dancing and some acting which I'm looking forward to and I'll tell you about afterwards.

Thanks for your time


Saturday 24 January 2015

Moving on

Good existence!
When I last talked to you, I was sat down waiting to find out the results of the callback to my first ever audition for a play. I have to say I was really quite disappointed with the outcome as I was given one of the small parts instead of the one I wanted. I got told there is still a chance I can get an important part but it's between 3 of us so I'm not too sure how it will go but I really want to get a bigger part than what I was left with. When it comes to things like this I'm really particular about what part I do get and because I've done quite a bit of acting in the past I really believed I should have gotten a larger part than I did. Regardless, I'll try and move on from it and progress to the next thing.

Since then I solved my problems of being a bit let down with myself by a cheeky portion of cheesy chips from the takeaway. I've just been informed that doing that is a bit girly, but I disagree. Nothing soothes the soul like a quick takeaway for dinner. However, I may have found something even more soothing. Me and Natasha had a plan to watch The 25th anniversary version of Phantom of the Opera whilst eating Ice cream. We decided that after the "Success" of our experiences of Ice cream and Frozen that we would attempt it again. Well, success I think should be deemed as me sitting through it in general. A great success was fewer than 10 complaints regarding my opinion of the film I think. I have to say though, as a fan of Phantom of the Opera, it was a lot easier to manage that.

We had the same ice cream as last time and, needless to say it didn't last a very long time as we both inhaled it rather quickly. I do think though that it was the perfect way to celebrate 2 months with Natasha with a musical we both really like and a food that we both really like.

Tomorrow I have my photo for the Hockey club at around midday, as well as another Fiddler on the Roof rehearsal in the evening lasting 2 hours. 1 of which requires another set of dancing on my part. Crap. After that we will make sure we find some time together before our lectures start again on Monday.

Thanks for your time


The happiest man I could imagine being

Hi friends!
So this morning was pretty basic for me, I didn't do a lot and because Natasha's parents were here for the weekend she went off with the for the day. I would have updated you earlier but there just wasn't a lot to write about at all, the only thing of note was updating the appearance of my blog and making it look pretty!

The main thing today was a dancing rehearsal for a dance to the song "To Life". Before this I did not realise how long this dance would be and I'm quite surprised to have gotten through it, despite not having a lot of hard things to do at all. We spent 2 hours dancing and dancing and despite my initial self consciousness, I eventually got into the swing of things and got more comfortable. We managed to get through the whole routine by the end after having started late due to people taking their time. They even filmed us, without permission might I add, and put it on the cast Facebook page.

Immediately afterwards I came to an audition, where I'm currently talking to you from. This is for the one act comedy I was telling you about called "Captive Audience". I've managed to get a call back and have just done it and I'm now waiting for the results. There are a few of us here just talking while we wait but I'm excited to find out. I'm sitting by the window and looking out over the dark surroundings outside and although uncomfortable, it does look really nice.

Later I'll be having another ice cream and film session with Natasha, while we watch Phantom of the Opera and a few others. Today is actually quite a special day in relation to others, because today marks 2 months since she made the happiest man I could imagine being and I've never looked back since, I'm a bundle of joy!
Anyway, I have to go back in now so wish me luck!
Speak soon, thanks for your time

Friday 23 January 2015

Torrential conditions

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Hey everyone!
I was quite optimistic about hockey to be honest, stepping outside for the first time while walking to the astroturf, the weather wasn't too bad actually. I was messaging Natasha at the time so I decided to make her laugh as while I was walking, she came to her window to wave at me. So naturally to try and make her laugh I decided to skip down the path waving back at her!

No one was looking, it's alright! I did top with my frolicking and prancing though after withdrawing from her sightline, to preserve the small element of dignity that I've got left after my musical theatre related hijinks that I've had. I got to hockey training early and the weather was rather cold. We were even at the point where we were debating if it was colder than our last training, which is 8-10pm. So you can imagine what it was like.

We got into training and played in majority, an attack vs defence format so we could improve. I think before I was forced to have my turn as a defender, (Spoiler alert, I was bad,) My crowning achievement was nutmegging the second team captain while he was defending. Apart from that I didn't do too much to be honest. By this point the rain had already started coming in and it was coming in heavily. I had kept my hoodie on, to try and retain as much heat as possible but I got absolutely soaked. We finished with a big game with everyone for the last 20 minutes, by which time the conditions were torrential, it felt like a scene from a disaster film with the rain circling our astroturf like a predator with it's prey. My shoes were coming undone every 5 minutes and it got to the point where I just left them undone. Since I was up front I was hanging around the defenders (One of which included my captain) until something happened that we needed to move for. We were each saying how we surely can't have very long left and how our faces hurt. I was fairly confident I could only see out of one eye and complained that emotions hurt due to the cold. Regardless of that, we eventually finished up and I jogged back to my room in order to get a shower and get ready for a pizza making session with Natasha. I'm still pretty convinced I developed trench foot due to the excessive soaking I got.

I'd been given pizza bases from home so we used those and some tomato spreadable pizza topping. We decided that in order for it to be a quality pizza, we needed to include a hell of a lot of cheese and we decided to be creative and put sweetcorn on it. We also got wedges which were made spicy with tikka masala curry paste. After they were done, we inhaled the whole lot and discussed how we were now better than every celebrity chef in the world. Since then, we've been spending the evening together and making each other laugh as usual and watching videos on youtube.

The day ahead is quite busy for me, I have a rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof, where we will be learning a dance for "To Life". Crap. After that I have an audition for a play. That night there is meant to be a social for the theatre society and hockey society. But since it marks a special day, there is a third option that I will tell you about in the near future.

Anyway, I'm going to sign off for tonight and I'll talk to you next afternoon to keep you updated. It's nice to speak to you again.

Thanks for your time


A new role

Good afternoon!
So this morning has been a rather relaxed morning at my own pace after a relatively rushed experience yesterday. One of the first things other than check my blog this morning, was to check about a play I had been invited to audition in.

The director of this play works backstage in the musical theatre group at my university, and has been around for a number of years. He is directing a one act comedy called "Captive Audience". Needless to say, when he asked me about it, I had no idea what he was talking about. But the premise for the play is actually quite a funny one. The way he described it was that the main character, Tom, is basically handcuffed to a table in a university common room by a passing drunk and spends the entire play handcuffed there while interacting with other members of the university. When I read the script online, I wasn't sure of whether my parents would be ideal recipients, should I get the lead (Which I do indeed doubt). This being due to the warning of swearing in the play. This should, I imagine be expected in a one act play about university and drunks being in it, but I'll think more on the matter I think.

The dates for the performances of Fiddler on the Roof were also revealed to be on the weekend of March 14th and 15th. Both are matinee performances, although we have been told that a performance is possible in the evening of the Wednesday before if we make good enough progress. The prospect of performing a musical in March after starting in January was always an interesting one for me but I'm hoping that all will be fine. I think it would be easier with a musical that I'm more fond of. Fiddler on the roof isn't my favourite for the music, I also haven't yet watched the film just because of the massive nature of it. I just looked at the case now and it's 2 hours 52 minutes long and from what I heard, they cut out some of the songs as well. Interesting...

I've actually just seen a facebook update from my hockey captain saying that there is a training session today from 4-5pm. I completely forgot about this because usually I don't have the time to go but I don't have an excuse today but it will no doubt be fun I'm sure, however the weather is not very pleasant at the moment so there is a good chance I will return soggy. Soon after that I'm excited to be able to do a session with Natasha where we will be making our own pizzas. We had been talking about making them all morning and I think that will no doubt be the highlight of today. We haven't decided yet if we are making our own base or not but hopefully we don't get too messy!

Anyway, I'm going to head off now and get ready for hockey. I'll talk to you again in the evening and tell you about what I've been up to.

Thanks for your time


Thursday 22 January 2015

At my most vulnerable

Hey! I hope you've had a good day!
I left you just before I'd had lunch and I can't say that it would have made a difference because it wasn't too interesting a meal I have to say. After I'd finished the food and washed up like a good, tidy fresher, after having a quick relax, I decided to pass the time a bit. In order to do this, I decided to turn on the procrastinator and start up FIFA 15. After playing a few games and coming up with a few more reasons (That I won't pay any attention to) why I shouldn't play this game anymore, I decided to play a few more. I didn't have a very good run of form at all I have to say and was quite upset with how it went. But regardless, I reminded myself that I was indeed just playing a game and I calmed myself down.

 I had a late lunch and by the time I had finished playing it was getting onto 4 o'clock and in order to see each other today apart from in the rehearsal where we had to be quiet, Natasha came over and we enjoyed each other's company as she was bored as well. We watched a few YouTube videos and shared a few laughs before she went to meet her friend to walk to the rehearsal with her. I set off and as I hadn't had any dinner, I walked into a takeaway to get a portion of chips. Weirdly enough, sat down waiting for a similar order was the chairman of our musical theatre society. Seeing as this gave me even more reason to be able to get my food, I sat down with him and we talked while waiting for the food to be made before continuing the rather cold, but now less cold, walk to the rehearsal room. We actually bumped into someone else in the production of Fiddler on the Roof, who is playing Lazar Wolf and is my alcoholic FIFA 15 friend from 2 nights ago! So we walked and talked together which made it an easier walk for the 3 of us until we got there, where we started going over a few songs from the show, including one we hadn't done before! After the rehearsal, we went to the pub where we stuffed our collective faces with free pieces of garlic bread and potato wedges until the platter was empty and laughed together. I wasn't planning on drinking at any point tonight, so I just had water while I got Natasha a limited edition guava J2o. Apparently they're really nice but I think I'll stick to the Orange flavour!

Back in my room it was safe to say I had a moment. Luckily Natasha was there to help me through it but it was hard to go through and it is even harder to tell you about, but I feel that I should. It has been a few years since my Granddad's passing and there is not a day that goes by where I don't miss the man. He was truly a best friend for me and a really inspirational role model as well that I modelled myself off. I had thought of him during a conversation and I could feel myself just get really low. I'm man enough to admit that I cried. I didn't think I would but I did. The man meant a lot to me and he's gone. It's a hard reality to swallow but I think for getting through it I will be all the better. I felt at my most vulnerable but came through and although I've been hit in the past by it, I'm still going to keep fighting. Natasha was brilliant though and seemingly made me smile with the least of effort as she seems to always manage to make me do. I'm getting a little emotional as it is so I'll have to leave you for now and then go to bed. Tomorrow I have a pizza making session with Natasha and audition material to tell you about!

Thanks for your time as always


That woke me up

Good afternoon!
This morning, I woke up after a late night wanting to just remain asleep. It was just before 9am and I'd woken up for the second time so I thought that I'd just grab my laptop and check my emails. After siphoning through a standard amount of rubbish, I saw one about a meeting that was taking place at 9:30am around 15 minutes walk away.

That woke me up...

So after panicking a little bit and checking the time repeatedly, I decided that I didn't have the time I'd probably need for a shower and to then be able to get down in time. I've had one or two mornings like this since being at University, but this meeting had slipped my mind completely. I feel there have been a number of times when I've written the word "oops" to you, this shall be another occasion.

The meeting is as a result of an initiative of the University to have "Course reps". These are people that are voted in by the students to act as the link between the students and the staff so opinions can be put across more effectively and it helps productive changes in the university. Near the start of the first semester, I gave a speech to our class of roughly 450 students as to why I should be elected as a course rep, needless to say that's the biggest audience I've stood up and spoken in front of since I've only ever performed in front of big audience either in a musical, orchestra, or solo musician. I guess this was a case of being thrown into the deep end as so to speak. I was one of 4 people that were selected and since then, there hasn't been too much that I have had to do, but today's meeting was really useful.

We have a special purple T-Shirt to wear to all things course rep-ly and I have to say, since picking it up, I can't say that it is the best colour for me. I guess they serve the purpose of standing out pretty well but that seems to be the only benefit of them, as well as being a good souvenir I guess. The meeting that we had is attended by lecturers as well as the course reps for the school of Psychology across all three years. I had the weird sensation of sitting in between my lecturers for Stress and Distress and Psychology as a Science, which is relatively scary as a prospect but I survived. I was surprised with myself that I went to one of them afterwards to give them some feedback on his module which seemed to be well received.

When I got back I put a message on the Facebook group that our Psychology class has to keep in touch with each other. I got some feedback from a guy about feeling spammed by emails so that might result in me passing a survey around to everyone, ironically discussing email spam through the medium of email but oh well!

Later today I've got another rehearsal for Fiddler on the roof and a weekly visit to the sponsor pub for a wide variety of free food afterwards which will no doubt be amusing. I'm quite curious as to the general reaction to the football team I came up with a friend so I'm sure you can appreciate I'm a little nervous in that regard! I'm also planning to have a session with Natasha tomorrow of making our own pizzas which will no doubt be interesting and have quite a lot of cheese all over the pizzas!

Anyway, I'll speak to you later after my rehearsal and tell you how it went. I hope you enjoyed catching up, it was nice to be able to tell you about the meeting.

Thanks for your time


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Being around people who care

Good day!
So since my last communication with you I was attempting to stage a recovery from my first night of alcohol consumption since being back at University. I'm glad to say that the battle was fought and won quite easily and despite a pretty boring morning, I spent time in the afternoon effectively cleaning my room in order to return it to its once former glory.

In other words, not as much of a pig sty as it had become...

I did a lot of planning today about events that were to come up. I realised that the hockey club are having their annual photo shoot this Sunday so I'm really excited to be involved with that. I was also planning my time for the next set of lectures that were to come up starting next week. I also took pictures of the football team members that were created last night in order to show to Natasha and a few other friends as we had decided we were going out tonight. Part of the day was spent with Natasha and planning another potential ice cream and film session and generally enjoying each other's company.

This evening, me, Natasha and a group of friends, Aidan, Beth and partly Matt went out because we wanted to support one of our closest friends at University to date, Jess. I'd actually been to get a takeaway with her last week I think, but she had been having a really tough time today for reasons I won't go into. So as a group we all came together and came out with her to our favourite pub, and sponsor of our Musical Theatre society. Despite having entirely varying amounts of alcohol, we had one of the best nights out I think I've actually had to a pub with a smaller group of people. This was because, and there is one person this obviously applies to, I know for a fact that I can trust the people in this small circle of friends. Even though we have our jokes either way, I know that I will be there for them if they need me and likewise.

They're a group of people that I can consider a set of really good friends and even if we don't know each other amazingly well or don't hang out all the time, they're still people in my life that I know I can trust and that will be there. Even if Beth listens to way too much Paramore or Jess seems to like the song "Anaconda" a bit too much, they're still pretty brilliant people and I wouldn't trade them. I enhanced a perspective of life today...

You can be in an environment where there are people with multitudes of friends. They can seem to be coming out of their ears. But the ones that really count are the ones that will stick by you, even if you sometimes feel you don't deserve them. To have Natasha, as well as those guys and the others that I've mentioned in my life makes me consider myself extremely lucky. We came to be with Jess because she needed us to be there and I know that anyone of us would have the same reception. I know that I've had to get up and sing in front of all of them before in the past and felt at ease, I know that I felt better about it afterwards because of things they've all said about me and how I did. It's heartwarming.

I feel as though I've gone on a bit of a slightly emotional garble, because I felt like I wanted to put the point across and write something poignant. So I will take a turn and tell you that it was a brilliant night out and we ended up in a takeaway where I was a lot better with my order, having learnt from last night and got a small portion of cheesy chips as I'd not really eaten properly and was hungry today. I'm going to be in bed soon but I'll speak to you tomorrow, I think I'm going to be doing something with Natasha and be a bit different with our day, but I'll make sure there is something interesting to tell you about as always

Thanks for your time


The morning after the night before

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

I'm writing today from the confines of my bed. No, I didn't even manage to make it to my desk so that I would feel a little bit more in tune with my surroundings but I just feel like I just want to stay in my cosy duvet a bit longer. I promise I'll get up in a minute though!

I have to say, I've not ever written in a hungover state so if you find that it isn't as good a read as it normally is, then I can understand and I apologise, but I'll do my best and it will no doubt be back to normal later after continual nursing.

So if you remember what I told you yesterday, I had a night and early morning in with a friend of mine and there was some alcohol involved. He brought along some beers, I have some spirits here and the Xbox One (Best revision distraction I've ever had) and we got to "work." It was a really good night that was spent creating a FIFA 15 team out of members of the musical theatre group we are both in and then playing a few games with them to try them out. Obviously we didn't include any bias whatsoever for our own abilities... and because there was alcohol involved we had to have a bit of fun with it but not enough that would be liable to offend someone. Our director actually told us we should put the end result up on the Facebook page for all to marvel at and so far its gone down quite well actually!

We made a group decision that it would be only right to test our creations in game on the same side, and surprisingly, we managed to cooperate pretty effectively and after playing a few games, obviously with an element of flair and panache, we emerged the very proud victors and decided that we should pit ourselves against each other, to decide on the true champion of the virtual footballing world. After a really intense game, I had come out as the 5-1 victor, to my delight.

After a while, we had decided that we were getting rather hungry, maybe not to the amount that we ordered in the end as I think some of it will end up as my breakfast.
Wow I'm such a standard student today it's actually incredible. I think that's probably the latest I've been to bed while here without having gone out which is a pretty decent achievement for me, it also highlights that I might be a little bit sad. But oh well, that's just me!

So after I recover a bit more I'm going to be doing a pretty heavy duty clean of my room to return it to it's former glory and then I'm going to figure out what I can do that is interesting enough for me to tell you about later, now that I have a rest period after exams before lectures start again.

Speak to you later, hope you have a good day!


Tuesday 20 January 2015

The one, special girl

Hi potential new best friend!
Wow that came off creepy...

So this morning I had an alarm set and I didn't manage to get it. I was roughly 2 hours early if I recall. I tried to get back to sleep but that wasn't working so I decided to get onto my laptop and have a short watch of a few youtube videos. My haircut was arranged for 9am and by 7am I was up and ready to get in the shower. Due to the fact that the hairdresser that I had arranged to cut my hair was from my old halls, she had no idea where I lived so I met her about 30 seconds walk away from my halls and took her back to the kitchen where she proceeded to seemingly chop off the vast majority of my hair. It had been a long time since I had last talked to her so it was good to be able to catch up on what had happened since I had moved out last year. In a way I kind of miss the old flat but in other ways I don't. Moving made me happy and I figured out that you shouldn't have to stay anywhere that doesn't make you happy. Happiness is the key in life and if it's not there, then do something about it you lazy so and so!

Oops, sorry. I kind of got carried away a bit there, I can tend to do that. Anyway, ignore me if you like... Moving on.

After my haircut I had realised that I needed to have female approval just to be certain that it was definitely good enough and that I hadn't just wasted £5 in precious change. There is only one person whose opinion matters to me more than any other, and before the exam, I went up to see this one, special girl and she started to basically stroke it a lot and say how soft it is and make me smile uncontrollably. It still makes me smile just thinking about how amused she was at how it had suddenly gotten shorter. We spent time together before the exam, planning how well Frozen and ice cream would go together, (which apparently was a pretty good suggestion) and sort of discussing stats that were to come.

After going back and preparing my two pencils that I would use to conquer the stats that lay ahead of us in the exam hall, we met up and had a fairly pacy walk to the main building to wait for the start. We hugged and wished each other good luck before parting for our last final exam of the semester. The hour and a half exam consisted of 60 multiple choice questions. I took roughly 30 minutes to get through all of them. The rest of the time was spent taking part in a conglomeration of twiddling my thumbs and half hearted checking through answers. Eh, I'd got them all done and they seemed as right as they could be.

It turns out Natasha had finished at a very similar time to me and so after reuniting after the peril of stats, we took a trip to Morissons and picked up some Ben and Jerry's dough-ble impact. We never had it before but enticing promises of cookie dough and chocolate really were too tempting to resist. It got the Natasha approval rating! So in order to accompany this, we did the only logical thing for any celebration type event. Watched Frozen. Yes I sat through Frozen for her, there is nothing I wouldn't do to make her smile and although that is pushing extremes, it was done with a smile on my face. It was a decent film I thought, I think it clearly wasn't targeted at my demographic but it had it's funny moments... I guess...

Since then we've been enjoying each other's company and relaxing together after what has been a stressful exam period. I have also decided to corrupt her mind by revealing to her that Josh Gad, who voices Olaf in Frozen, was the original Elder Cunningham in the musical, The Book of Mormon. If you don't know why that might corrupt someone, I'd advise looking up the musical yourself.

In a few hours I've got a "Bros night in" planned with a friend of mine which should be really good as it will be another awesome chance to unwind. Natasha has her ballroom class so I wouldn't have anything to do anyway but the idea of pizza, alcohol, and videogames is really exciting as the last time that it took place was in college days (well, minus the alcohol). But I might not be able to give you an update tonight, in which case I'll be sure to make up for it tomorrow.

Thanks for your time, I've got to go now, speak soon


Monday 19 January 2015


Good evening to you!
So since we last talked, I was in the middle of a pretty intensive revision session. Since then my day got a bit more interesting. Unfortunately I had to reschedule my hair appointment to roughly 9am tomorrow morning which means a nice and early start for poor me on exam day. But I've got myself tucked up in bed and feeling really comfy and in a good writing mood, listening to some music from my favourite musical, Parade.

If you've not heard of it then I'd really advise you to give it a try, I'm a really big dan of the music and the story is based on the true story of a Jewish man named Leo Frank in the south of America who is persecuted for a crime he did not commit and his struggle against an oppressive society with the only person who seems to be on his side being his wife. If you want a few suggestions for songs that stand out to me, there is "It's hard to speak my heart", "All the wasted time" and "This is not over yet". I'm hoping to actually sing them at University at some point in a variety show that is put on twice a year by the Musical theatre society here.

The main part of my evening was our standard 2 hour hockey training session which left me considerably worse for wear afterwards. We were small on numbers in our team due to exams, so although we didn't go for a run as I was expecting, we still had a really high intensity session and I got to try a new position out that I wouldn't usually go for. I played in central defence in a drill vs the 2nd team which basically involved us being constantly pressured by them so I had to be really alert, especially due to my inexperience in the area. I was quite impressed with my ability to deflect most of the balls away from danger and I caused quite a bit of trouble for the striker I was marking, who is the main striker for the 2nd team. I was quite excited though as we were given our new kit for the next year, which looks really good. I also got my new squad number of 41. It suddenly feels like I'm more integrated into the team and I feel like I have more of a place than I had done originally. After training I was just exhausted due to playing a game at the end and since I played as a winger, I was running like mad! I took a bad step and hurt my knee, but it is better now and my feet feel like they are becoming detached from the rest of my body with a slight pain there.

Oh, woe is me!

Anyway, I'm going to sign off now as it's getting on and I have to be lively tomorrow at really early times

Thanks for your time as always


The calm before the storm

Good afternoon!
So today marks the day before our last final exam for the semester that has just been and left us and despite the intimidating nature of the paper that we will be sitting, I'm quietly confident. You see, this exam is purely multiple choice and despite it supposedly having some tricky questions towards the end, we have 1 hour 30 to be able to complete it. Personally I'm not much of a fan of sitting exams because, apart from the obvious aspect of them being exams, it's always in the very standard hall with a big clock at the front to tell us how much of a future we have left. Gradually, I feel that I'm going to get an irrational fear of a big hall with desks set out in rows and columns due to how much distress exams have previously put me through in terms of revision and generally sitting them. I'm not sure what sort of experiences that you've had with them but my worst experience has to either be an A-Level Psychology exam where we had three 25 mark essay questions to complete in 90 minutes which could come from anywhere in the syllabus, or an A-Level Geography exam where we had two 25 mark questions which were split into a 7, 8 and 10 mark essay and then a big 40 mark essay that we had to complete. Needless to say many trees would have had to lay down their lives when this exam was sat. It was just an experience that I'm not intending on recreating in the future I have to say.

But hey, I can't complain too much, I'm here and writing for you aren't I?

So my day hasn't really been too exciting I regret to inform, but hopefully later I'll have more interesting things to tell you about. I've been doing statistics revision mainly, and I did have a trip down to the halls office to confirm my moving of halls from the end of 2014 by handing back my old key. Whilst there I encountered a friend of mine that I'll be living with next year at the mail room, and to my surprise, she had taken what isn't a quick walk by any means in her pyjamas to go for her mail. I guess I can sympathise because I too was feeling very sluggish, but it did make me chuckle. After giving my fondest farewells to my old key, I set off back to my halls, on the way encountering a friend from my theatre group, who had shared with the world on Facebook that this morning, she was having Ice cream for breakfast. I felt a strange sense of pride and disappointment at the same time, it's quite a weird feeling really. After establishing that she didn't invest in the undisputed best of all ice creams, Ben and Jerry's, I established an overriding sense of joking disappointment and was on my way.

I also decided that Natasha is undoubtedly the best person in the entire Universe when back in my room (It's not like she wasn't anyway but she further cemented her position at the top in my Universe). This was because upon telling her about my Ben and Jerry's story, we slowly formulated a way to celebrate together for finishing our last final exam of the semester. We will undertake the feat of watching Frozen while devouring Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Oh my god I can't even wait. Despite my reluctance to watch Frozen, I feel it is a necessity for being a good boyfriend to watch it with her and when combined with being with her and some top quality ice cream, how can I refuse?

That's it really, but I have hockey training later so I should no doubt have a lot to write about with that, including a notoriously difficult run for our 40 minutes of dedicated fitness training. I also have a relatively new stick that I can use so I'm looking forward to using that again. I'm also having a haircut from a former flatmate who, luckily enough, is a trained hairdresser as well, so I'm really excited for that too!

I'm going to get back to revising and getting prepared for tomorrow, but I'll be sure to speak to you this evening after my best endeavours with manual labour and having my hair chopped off.

Thanks for your time


Sunday 18 January 2015

A part of something big

Hi again!
Since I last spoke, one of the first things I got up to wasn't as interesting as I'd normally tell you about but it was with a nap. Driving for two hours in pretty difficult conditions is by no means an easy or enviable task. However it felt really good to be able to relax and calm myself and just forget the world for a little while. Especially due to the cold abrasive wind that had been tearing down on my car (Which, fun fact, Natasha has named Noah now due to an NOH in the numberplate!) on the expansive journey back to University. But after rising from my slumber, I had just over an hour before my second Fiddler on the Roof rehearsal, and I was excited for this because it would be the first time I would be able to act as my character of Mendel.

Now, I'm not by any means a die hard fan of this musical. I'm not too acquainted with it in the first place but I know the bare bones now. The co-directors are really good, they're both students but have a really keen eye on what would be good on stage, as well as commanding a relatively professional atmosphere in rehearsals while maintaining a really friendly aura about them. The schedule that we had for today required me to be there for an hour from 7pm and then for another hour from 9pm, covering two separate scenes. So this was going to be interesting seeing as I had quite a bit of time to kill in between.

We were rehearsing in a hall which was situated in a building I'd never actually ventured to in my time in university. It has a relatively modern feel about it despite the classic brick design to the outside and is set back from the road where the other university buildings are, so much so that it's not immediately noticeable and almost withholding an air of mystery about the place. Due to me not having been there before and not particularly being able to remember where it was, I set off in order to get there early, just for some wiggle room in case I were to get delayed or anything. There's quite a nice feeling walking through the area at night I think. The streets were almost deserted and it suddenly felt like I was the only person in the world. The area that I'm currently in has really low crime rates to the point where it is one of the safest areas in the UK if I recall correctly, so it's really easy to walk around at night and be completely safe. Wrapped up in layers, I took my time and really captured the absence of people for the brief while it was apparent.

When the others had arrived we got into the first scene we were looking at. It was only small so we didn't really need the full hour but we went over it a lot and it gave us a chance to develop our characters somewhat. The brief I had for my character was that I'm basically condescending and almost full of myself, so after a few jokes of how that won't be hard, I got it to the point where everyone was happy and I got excited for being able to potentially make an audience laugh while on stage. I don't want to get into the rehearsal in too much detail but I'm really looking forward to it and being able to tell you about it. It feels really good to be a part of something big.

Me and a friend who was in the other scene with me decided to pass time over the hour by getting dinner from a local takeaway and bringing it back to watch the progress of the others and how well they were doing until it was our turn again. Moving around really made you forget about the cold aura you got from the room and it was definitely a really good way to spend a Sunday. Since then I've braved the cold one final time, saying goodbye to the others and braving my way back to my nice and heated room. Tomorrow should be a fairly relaxed affair as the only thing apart from revision for my last final exam for the semester is a hockey training and haircut in the evening, which no doubt will be interesting!

I'll be sure to catch up with you tomorrow as always. Thank you for taking the time again, it really means a lot to me. Speak to you tomorrow.


Emerging from the dream

Hi again!
Since we last talked, me and Natasha have been on the move again. Our stay back at home was a really successful one. I enjoyed every second of it and I wish I could just stay that bit longer but unfortunately, at some point it has to come to an end, but I guess that makes it all the more special. Currently I'm back in my room in halls at University. Back to my new sense of familiarity, typing away at a keyboard to tell you about what has been going on and hopefully to entertain. It feels good.

So let's start at the beginning. I woke up this morning relatively late for me, but I woke up feeling extremely cosy and snug and decided to engage in an activity that has come to be one of the nicest of my time home, to say good morning to Natasha face to face, and look into her eyes at the start of a brand new day. We decided to start the day quite slowly as we planned to set off just after lunch. Looking out of the window, it almost looked like a painting, snow everywhere and a really foggy day greeted us and although a beautiful sight when snow is involved, it did mean one thing. I'd probably have to attempt to drive through it.

After grabbing a shower and gradually slipping back into the land of the living, we were ready for breakfast, which of course was another dose of waffles and maple syrup. If a shower hadn't woken us up, the impending sugar rush would no doubt be the trick. Packing was surprisingly painless as we didn't have too much to deal with but while we did so, I had noticed that it had just about started to snow and would eventually develop into something a bit more disastrous and heavy. This somewhat accelerated our departure as we decided to have lunch on the go and grabbed some snacks for the journey. It was a rather elongated trip as due to snow coverage for the first 30 minutes of travel, there were quite a few delays on the motorway, and there was a standard amount of imbeciles who though it would still be a good idea to weave in and out of cars in the impaired driving conditions. oh well, I'm alive and blogging!

We had our standard playlist on for the trip and singing along to dance floor anthems such as "Do you want to build a snowman" (At pitch for me) and the infamous "Mambo No.5" with everything in between kept us in high spirits on our quest for the land of education and other sorts of spirits...

We arrived in good time though, although it isn't snowing here whatsoever it was typically cold, and as if to remind us of home, it was actually colder than normal.  But we raced inside and now we are both unpacked and I'm killing time before another Fiddler on the Roof rehearsal later.

Needless to say though, I've just loved every minute of being with Natasha this weekend and with my friends from college, it made the travelling completely worth it and I could go on forever about how amazing it was, but I fear this post is getting a bit long.

I'll talk to you later, thanks for your time


Saturday 17 January 2015

An unforgettable day

Hope you've been having a good day!
I think today has been one of my most memorable days of my time in University, but weirdly I wasn't even in the same place that I study! I've just had a seemingly infinite amount of fun and joy today, so I guess the best place to start is where I left off.

The snow has been really coming down in legions today. As we set off for the football, me, Natasha and my parents were slightly doubtful as to whether it would be on. It was how I personally think that a standard winter's day should be. The surroundings were almost deserted as the inhabitants of our little town stayed inside to keep warm or were probably in a field somewhere with a sledge (Or maybe because the football wasn't on yet more likely). The seemingly deserted surroundings were covered by a single white blanket of snow. Upon parking about 5 minutes away from the ground, it was still falling from the heavens and looked like it would never stop. Wrapped up warm in several layers, we braved the cold Winter's day and collectively plodded along to the ground. Upon getting there, I apparently looked like I had been collecting snow on my head as when I tried to shake it off (No Taylor Swift pun intended) there was quite a lot to remove.

Since my dad had found a voucher for what was called a "Match Day Diner" treatment at the game, it turned out that we were due a 3 course meal for lunch, we were allowed comfier seats and we were to come back into the area that was for special guests where they would award the man of the match their prize. I didn't have too much of the dinner because I wasn't a big fan of the dessert or starter, but the main course was amazing. Natasha had a vegetarian option, which turned a few heads as it was a big vegetable pie, much bigger than we had expected, and so big that she didn't manage to finish it, and the hostess lady jokingly told her off for it.

But all was well behind the scenes, because the game went ahead and oh what a game it was. As Natasha had never really watched a game of football before she said she would have little idea what was going on, but with half the pitch covered in slippy snow and more coming down, you can imagine there was some fun to be had. Also with us coming out 4-1 winners, it was an amazing game to be at. After this we met up with two of my college friends for a round of Pizza Express pizzas and quite a lot of their famous doughballs. With us devouring the whole lot in quite a good time and having a lot of fun doing so, we moved onto our next activity. Bowling.

One of my friends was slightly paranoid, because of the last time we went bowling. You see, since he's really good and was walking away with the game, I had felt that a little "stabilisation" was required to even out the playing field, so I might have sabotaged him by throwing a gutter ball for him while he was about to get a third strike. "Oops, my finger slipped." This time though I wasn't given ample opportunity. A lot of fun was had at my ability to get gutter balls and by the end of the first game, I came last with Natasha sneaking her way to beat me in the last two rounds. Needless to say one was not amused. The next game I'd managed to step up a bit more and upped my final score, with Natasha slipping into last place. After this we hit the arcade and the highlight had to be a game of 4 player air hockey. This one was different in the way it scored because it would have different rounds, with the score from a goal depending on if you hit a big or little puck in. Eventually, a load of pucks are let loose on the table at once by the machine and it's a rapid scramble to score first with them, so it's just chaos and because we're University students, you better believe that quite a few pucks made it off the table and to varying areas of the arcade, our record must have been about 10 meters away from the table I think.

Since then we have made it home and are currently just lying down just relaxing before bed. It's been a long day I'll never forget, full of laughter and smiles and I can't describe how good it feels to have spent it with someone as special to me as Natasha, and to have been able to introduce her to my college friends. It was the best Saturday of 2015 by far and I can't wait for many more.

Anyway, I'm driving back tomorrow so should really go, speak to you tomorrow and thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed hearing about today.


An exciting day lies ahead

Hi again!
Today has started in a fashion that we, the inhabitants of the UK really aren't used to and is still continuing in said fashion. As I look outside I can see that there is a torrential flourish of snow that has been on and off. In the UK we always hope for snow and for days off school or work. I have to say that today though, I wasn't as happy as I could be by snow. Now, I know what you're thinking, I'm not turning into a miserable old man with each passing day. I'm happy that it as snowed but it's just inconvenient at the current time. Today, my parents, me and Natasha are going to watch a game of football at my local team's ground. I'm slightly annoyed because there's a chance that if the snow continues, it could cause the game to be off. If you remember what I told you yesterday, I've travelled a distance in order to be able to come to this game and visit home so it's quite nerve racking in a way. My dad told me this morning that there have been some volunteers at our ground scraping off the snow to increase the chances of the game being played today. I guess it might also be the fact that it's snowing at home on the occasion when I'm not here for very long. I am still a young boy at heart and I want to sledge at some point this year.

This morning me and Natasha had a very special breakfast though, we had toasted waffles with maple syrup and oh my god I had to restraint myself from devouring all of them. I was especially happy because while we were at University, she enjoyed messaging me in the morning about how she was having waffles, making me extremely jealous due to a distinct lack of waffles in my possession. So now it was really nice because we could enjoy them together. She thinks though that she might been on a bit of a sugar hype, because as I write this she is frolicking around my room beaming about the snow outside, promising she will teach me to love it at all occasions.

So I thought I'd keep you updated earlier than usual because in about an hour, we will have hopefully arrived at the football ground. My dad got a voucher for us to be looked after at the game so we are arriving earlier to apparently get lunch included and apparently there will be other things as well but I'm not too sure yet, but I'm really excited for it, if you couldn't tell from earlier. Everything should be done at around 6pm, at that point we are coming back home and Natasha and I are going to be getting ready for an exciting trip to go Bowling and eat pizza with the college friends that we were on skype with a few days ago. I can't wait and it is going to be a great day.

I'll tell you how it's gone later tonight as usual but I've got to go now, Natasha has taken a particular shining to a guitar in my room and I'm going to go and teach her a bit of how to play it.

Speak to you soon, thank you for taking the time to read as always, I really appreciate it.


Friday 16 January 2015

A special place in our hearts

Nice to see you again!

I can't say we've done too much exciting since I last posted. The Indian that we went to is one that we have been going to for a very long time, with the owner and staff very good friends of my family. We had been going there since I was really young and my brother hadn't been born because I believe my grandparents liked their food so much. Since then, they have relocated nearer to us and they have seen their business grow. It's like a taste of home when stepping into there and it almost feels like tradition when stepping through the doors. I've never had an experience in a restaurant before where staff members will make sure to shake your hand when they first see you and when you leave. Although I don't know them by name, it feels like being in the company of friends when inside their doors. It's special. I have to say it was almost another set of people that I felt I needed to introduce Natasha to and thankfully she seemed to really like it there. The owner and his sons that work as waiters have a special place in the hearts of my family though. As they know my granddad well as he was a regular at their restaurant, a few years ago when we had learned of his passing, they attended his funeral. I have to admit that I'm getting a little emotional writing this so I'll move on but I guess that gives an idea of how highly they're regarded in my family as people in general.

When you step through the doors you can immediately recognise that they've made a large effort to contribute to the ambiance of an indian restaurant with statues placed around the main dining area and a seemingly never ending stream of Bollywood music videos behind the bar near the door. In terms of Indian food, I'm not personally one for a really spicy curry, I'm not sure what you might prefer but I just can't hack the really spicy stuff, so I tend to go for a chicken tikka masala. It's definitely my favourite option due to it being quite mild and the flavour of the sauce. I hear chicken korma is really nice as well but I've not really tried that so I'll have to make an effort I think.

As I went with Natasha, my parents and grandma, it wasn't the speediest meal as we got into talking quite easily and everyone seemed to have fun whilst having their respective curry. My dad is always one for pushing the boundaries on his taste buds and ordering the some of the spicier options that he can find on the menu, so it's always interesting to see if he ever takes a bridge too far.

After we left, at about 9pm, we came straight back home, chauffeured by my grandma in her relatively new car, she's got a ford but I'm not sure which flavour of car it is. It's definitely way more modern than her old Mazda, so she seems to have a lot of fun with it, although according to the date on the car, today is 04/07/2014 so I might need to help her with that, bless her.  The rest of the evening has been really relaxed and we've lived up to the idea of a feet up Friday. We watched the first half of the Top Gear Patagonia special that was on over Christmas and so far it has been really good. Maybe we will watch the rest before we go back to university but it is currently late and we have a fun filled day tomorrow ahead of us that I can't wait to tell you about.

Thanks for reading, I'll speak to you tomorrow



Oh hey! Didn't see you there!

So today marked a rather big day for me. From out of a seemingly endless slumber in my room, I arose to prepare for a marathon journey of a fearsome length of roughly 2 hours in order to get home for the weekend. It was as intimidating a journey as I make it out to be, I promise!

After me and Natasha made our final checks with our bags, we reunited and decided to stop by ASDA in order to get our provisions. Because Natasha hadn't been to the ASDA near to us much, she wasn't too sure where everything was. This made it rather entertaining when we were looking for a potential drink for each other and ended up staring down the hard spirits section! I wouldn't have minded normally but unfortunately, I was driving so I couldn't oblige! We did end up, however finding our all time favourite variety of Pringles, BBQ Beef as well as some obligatory chocolate and a large bottle of water to share between us.

After we had emerged from the maze of discounts that is the modern British supermarket, we sorted out the music for our mini adventure using a music streaming service called Spotify. Since Spotify premium is half price when you factor in a student discount, I decided to take advantage of it. For me it is roughly £5 a month, which is a considerable saving in comparison to the amount of music I'd normally get, as well as also helping me resist the temptation of shopping when already on a student budget. Using Spotify, we had already made ourselves a massive, and I mean massive road trip playlist of our favourite songs and loads of cheesy music from "Livin la vida Loca" to "Mambo No 5" to every song you could possibly imagine by ABBA (Which I was being forced to sing along to, and since Natasha was in control of the food I was in no position to refuse!). We even included the Minions version of YMCA because the little yellow things are just so incredible!

In our epic quest to find my house we encountered many an obstacle. Temperamental lorry drivers as well as drivers in general, several elongated periods of heavy downpours of rain and hail. Also the infamous Eye-Spy made a brief appearance to pass a few seconds which shows you things got a bit desperate! But alas, despite all of the hardships we faced on our perilous journeys of the motorways of the UK, we finally reached our destination. Greeted by my two infinitely adorable Labradoodles, Darcey and Purdey, who were jumping up and down, rather excited of potential company. My parents were out but as soon as my mum got back, we went too meet her and she made no mistake in being the standard uncool mum that you could expect when you bring a girl back in a similar way to this. I'm not going into details there.

Since then I've felt fatigued enough to fall asleep without even properly realising it (I know, pretty good effort!) after the driving and we have been passing the time. We also found a new game to play together on the internet and Natasha absolutely annihilated me at it, I didn't see it coming but it was brutal.

Currently, the plan for the rest of the day is that we are just being boring for about 45 minutes until we are going out for dinner at our local favourite Indian restaurant, after that we are just having a nice relaxing Friday evening before the main event tomorrow. Natasha's first ever football match!

Thanks for taking the time to read, as always I really enjoyed catching up with you!


Thursday 15 January 2015

Reunited after all this time

Oh hey, I just about got here in time then!

So since I last talked to you I had my first ever rehearsal for Fiddler on the Rood, which is being put on by my University in March. I have to say, despite it not being one of my favourite musicals ever, it was really nice to see it come together for the first time in small pieces. To start with we worked on the songs "Tradition" and one of the famous songs "To Life".

For the record, this is not the version conjured up by Sheldon Cooper in an episode of The Big Bang Theory, I can assure you we were all very sober and we had the words in front of us which made it infinitely easier. I hadn't actually listened to the proper version of either of these songs all the way through before so it was really interesting to see the full song and be able to read the music for it, exploring the harmonies that were produced in the writing. My voice was pretty horrific today, not managing to cleanly hit my higher notes made singing this a bit of a nuisance as I was being asked to reach up there. No doubt that will come back but it was pretty frustrating none the less for the 3 hour rehearsal. Since we did "To Life" second and it was a full male song, the girls, Including Natasha decided (understandably) not to bother waiting around and took off.

After our weekly Thursday rehearsals, it is customary that we all meet up afterwards at our pub sponsor, where the society is provided with a platter of free food, admittedly one of the highlights of my week. I was determined to go because I'd not been able to see a few of my best friends at University until today, so it gave a great chance to be able to catch up with them and we had an amazing time there and so much fun. I'm actually planning a session with one of my best friends I've made in my time at University next week where we will just play on Xbox for as long as we can manage one night and involve alcohol. Just to have a bit of fun together and no doubt it will be a hilarious occasion as well as one that I don't tell you too much about!

So after the food had been collectively devoured by the members of our little musical theatre group, I set off walking back home. Needless to say it was rather chilly and I decided to get a bit of a pace on in order to get back faster. Around 10:30pm Natasha came over and we spent about an hour together before she got sleepy so she's in bed now.

I'm really excited for tomorrow because we have a two hour trip back home sometime around midday. Before that we are making an emergency ration shop in ASDA to have enough provisions for two hungry students to survive the trip! It is no doubt going to be a really amazing weekend that we can spend together. I'm not too sure how much time I'll have available to post and tell you about it, but I'll make sure to when I can.

Thanks for your time reading as always, speak soon.


Getting back into the swing of things

Nice to see you again!
So today marked the two thirds part of my set of final exams for the semester that had just gone. The topic for today was Stress and Distress and I was not looking forward to it one bit. Being given an hour for 30 multiple choice questions and one short answer essay isn't all bad but there was quite a significant amount of content that I had to learn, making it infinitely more of a challenge.

 I mean, there were some pretty big words involved referring to pretty large and complicated books.

So I woke up this morning around 6am for some reason, I've no idea how I managed it but I fell back asleep to awake at about 9 and feeling warm and comfortable in my mass of blankets and duvet that I'd wrapped around myself. After getting myself awake with a shower and sending a good morning message to Natasha, I sat down in front of my laptop and had a brief spell of revision before chilling myself out and calming myself down before the exam with the use of funny Top Gear moments on YouTube and seeing what else that was funny on the internet. On top of that Natasha and I were also reassuring ourselves that it would be fine with the standard sort of reminders like "We only need 40%".

I also got a mark back for a final essay that I submitted for my Psychology as a Science module and got 74% or an A-. This was simply unbelievable and put me in an amazing mood, even more so than the antics of Jeremy Clarkson, which for many people is hard to top. So according to the University marking system, that equates to a 1st in that essay. Natasha was also delighted at her mark of 80% which was an A. So we both were feeling incredibly proud of each other and were in the mood that nothing could bring us down.

The exam today was an interesting one. I was pretty satisfied with the attempt I made at the multiple choice section but the essay really wasn't what I was hoping for and pulled me back. Despite this it is only one module out of 8 at the end of the day and I managed to get through it. I'm still sure that to get through the year will be no problem! So you won't have to worry at all if you were whatsoever. Since then though, me and Natasha walked back through the freezing, windy weather outside with a moderate pace in our step, (despite her best efforts not to bother running!) and got ourselves warm inside having a bit of a laugh together before she went to make her lunch and do a few jobs.

Today is going to be my first relatively busy day back here at University. I'm going to soon be packing for the journey home tomorrow and at around 6pm this evening, I'll be in my first rehearsal for the production of "Fiddler on the Roof" which is taking place in March, as well as catching up with my friends in the theatre society at the local pub afterwards and having a good time.

I should be able to update you again later before bed, but if not I'll be around tomorrow to catch you up.

Thanks for taking the time to read


Wednesday 14 January 2015

Bridging the gap between University and home

Hi again, I hope you've been having a good day!

So when we last talked, I was on skype catching up with a college friend that me and Natasha will be seeing at the weekend. We were talking about what we were going to do, how is course was going and I was talking with him about our exams. After moving away from home, especially when you move farther away, it's really easy to forget about the life that you used to lead back at home, but this guy is someone I wanted to stay around in my life while I was in a different part of the UK, so to be able to keep in touch with him is really awesome. Since I had been revising until I was pretty sure my brain had slightly swollen, I decided to unwind and vent some pent up revision frustration by playing on the Xbox (Or as I have recently, more affectionately dubbed it, "The Procrastinator"), which now inhabits a rather large portion of my desk in my halls. Being a boy, I felt that to even conceive the idea that I am unable to multitask is unimaginable, so we talked while I played, and my friend shared great delight when things didn't go my way in the game.

After I had decided that I wasn't really getting anywhere meaningful, I decided to leave it, and was messaging Natasha about revision and if she was still sane with the seemingly endless load that we had to do. As we hadn't spent much time together today, we decided that after dinner, we should spend time together in the evening to unwind. So, after I had convinced myself that I am indeed the student chef of legend, I decided to prepare the infamous dish of "Pasta with whatever topping I felt like that was easy".


It lightened up my day to see Natasha, because she always knows how to make me forget that there is any trouble in the world or that revision is in anyway a pain. We spent a bit of time looking over some bits of revision together for the impending exam and then, since my college friends and a girlfriend were all on skype, we decided to try and get a group chat going. The topics of conversation ranged from a broadway musical that I had barely heard of, sung interestingly down the mic by the girlfriend of my college friend, nostalgia about secondary school and 6th form and a rather long and interesting lecture about why I shouldn't drink alcohol if I want any hope for my vocal chords.

But despite all this action and fun packing into an hour and a half, I'd felt a sense of relief. I introduced Natasha to my best friends from home, and they all got along. Short of introducing her to my parents this felt like something pretty big. I just can't describe how good it feels to know that they get along so well. All I can say is that the prospect of being in person and combining bowling and pizza, is one that will make for some potentially seriously entertaining blogging action!

I'm going to get some shut eye now, it's a big day ahead with an exam and packing to take place. I'll be sure to update you more tomorrow.

Thanks for your time in reading


Giving in to temptation

So far in my new venture into blogging, I would have made a conscious effort to have made a blog by now, but unfortunately I've not had a particularly interesting day so I've restrained until I've had a bit more variety to tell you about!

As my second exam out of the three we are due is tomorrow, I've been revising as much as humanly possible and since the majority of the words that I have been revising so far have been roughly around 3 syllables in average I thought I'd better try pretty hard for this one. So far I've managed to cope a lot more than the last one but it wasn't too promising. I'm still really nervous for it but I think I should manage.

It's been a rather simple day today really, I broke into a can of tomato soup for lunch which was quite nice, I was going to get pasta but I was having messages from my girlfriend (Who I can officially reveal is called Natasha as she gives her consent! ) who was teasing me with the idea of having tomato soup, I had a rather fast change of heart and broke it out. Tasting my creation gave me the feeling like an amalgamation of the student version of Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver.

Wow how exciting my day has been so far!

Since then I started losing the will to live with my revision and was starting to have a desire to fulfil my chocolate craving for the day, (despite my best attempts to resist may I say!) so me and Natasha took a brave trip down through the miserable weather to Morrisons in order to fill the hole in my stomach that had been missing for so long. Natasha is trying to be healthier after christmas which meant that she said she wouldn't partake in my chocolatey so in order to not look too bad I thought I should only limit myself to a modest £5. I didn't spend the entirety of my budget, which made me feel a bit better about myself but I got enough to put a smile on my face.
I hope I haven't mislead anyone with the title and think that it was going to be a rather drama filled blog. But no, I'm sorry to disappoint, I was just really hungry and felt I needed more chocolate in my life despite my attempts to be good!

I might post again later on just before I go to bed but I'm just currently skyping one of my college friends who is in University a few hours away from me. Me and Natasha are going to be undertaking an exciting adventure back home at the weekend to meet up with him and another one of my college friends and are going to watch my local team play football!

I'm sure I'll speak to you soon, I hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for your time.


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Girlfriend Therapy. Act II

Nice to see you!

So where did I finish... Oh yeah, I was talking about my experience of girlfriend therapy and how revolutionary it has been for me after one of the most dreaded occurrences of the naive fresher's existence. In case you didn't read my last post, no, there were no bars closing and the alcohol hasn't run out yet. I had my first final exam for a module at university. Me and my girlfriend, both being on the same course were both rather anxious about this exam, as were the rest of the year. Looking around afterwards, you could just detect a sea of unhappy faces and of dissatisfaction with the previous 90 minutes of their lives. But since then we have just been reminding ourselves that although it seems like the end of the world, we only need 40% to pass our first year and it doesn't count towards the rest of our degree anyway!

The next thing that we did was dinner. I felt the distinct urge to have an increased amount of comfort food in my life after the exam, so afterwards, I met up with one of my friends from the University's theatre society and we walked down to the local fast food place to indulge ourselves. Meanwhile, my better half lived up to the label I just devised and stayed in and cooked healthily, despite this noble attempt, she did say she was jealous of the food I had ordered, but don't tell her I said that!

Afterwards we met up and started digging into a large list of things we decided to watch together over the christmas break. Because we are both British and fabulously so, we started with Wallace and Gromit, for the purposes of nostalgia as we both really enjoyed it in our childhood. It failed to disappoint. Despite not having seen it for a long while, it's still as entertaining as I remember and if anyone reading has had the joy of watching "The Wrong Trousers", the evil penguin still seems as malevolent as ever.

In order to spice things up afterwards, we decided to watch the Pink Panther, starring Steve Martin. I know I'm terrible and should really be watching the original, but despite the more modern version sometimes lacking in its story, the opportunity to laugh as Inspector Jacques Clouseau cunningly fumbles his way to catch a killer is too tempting, and the opportunity to sample his attempt at a French accent is too much to resist I feel.

Since then we have decided to tuck ourselves up in bed and get nice and cosy as tomorrow might not be the most interesting day as it is no doubt going to be filled full of attempted revision but hopefully when the revision attempts come short, something interesting will happen that I can tell you about!

Thank you very much for your time to read my post


The apple of my eye

Hello again!

So far today has been relatively eventful. I had a rather inspiring awakening at roughly 5:30 am this morning which made me question how well the day ahead was going to go. Despite this, I soldiered on back to sleep and acted out the persona of what I believed to be "a good fresher". I re-emerged from my duvet cocoon at around 8:30 ish, luckily in reasonable time for me to get a shower and start trying to frantically revise for the upcoming exam which had the whole of my year in disarray. This would be our first final exam and covered our first module of "Psychology as a Science". I have to say, I don't mind exams normally...

Except when it's an hour and a half and they're expected roughly 6 sides of A4 worth of essays to be handed back to them by the end of it.
The sound of that still gives me goosebumps and I've finished it already!

So upon checking that my girlfriend had managed to persuade herself that this exam was also worth attending, despite most of her being telling her that she didn't want to get up, I cracked on with "revision" and tried to push the panic to one side.

 One of the ways I was persuading myself that live was still worth living and this was only one exam was to think of all the joys that could be undertaken afterwards. Therefore a lunch date to the pancake and waffle restaurant/cafĂ© thing that is on the street leading up to our exam hall was arranged for afterwards to make us feel better and know that comfort food was readily available.

So the time was nigh, we set off holding hands and reminding each other that it will all be alright as we went to the exam hall in the University's main arts building. A few last minute attempts at remembering our revision had no effect as we accepted our fate and wandered on in, to what awaited us.

To be honest it could have been a lot worse. I've actually taken an Undergraduate level final exam in Psychology and came out of the other end without bleeding fingers! I consider that a success regardless of the final result personally. After reuniting with the lady-friend we headed straight for the pancake shop, following the aromas that lay within. It was a really nice lunch and for £3 the pancakes we had with nutella and white chocolate were simply just out of this planet. Oh my gosh.

To update you to the current moment when I'm writing this, we have been in my room and I've been the subject of girlfriend therapy. It's quite good for any guys wondering. I got offered a back massage because I hurt myself a bit on hockey last night, we played a few games on the laptop (no, I wasn't thoughtful enough to let her win, sorry...) and since then I've been just looking into her eyes and making myself feel happy and reminding myself what really matters in my life at the moment. Despite what torment an exam can provide your life, there's always a positive that will outweigh it and she makes my world keep spinning.

Anyway, I'm aware this is getting rather long and I don't want anyone drifting off to sleep. I'll speak to you later and update you again just before I go to bed.

Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it.


Monday 12 January 2015

I forgot how much I don't miss running!

Nice to see you again!
I have just about managed to survive the day, having my first experience of hockey training again for the first time since last year. Despite surviving I nearly managed to catch a ball with my face, which I'm not sure if it would be impressive or not! Also I managed to hurt my lower back to the point where all I feel able to do is confine myself to the parameters of my bed and write this blog for you. 

Today has been a really nice day I feel. Despite the early start and the following attempts at catching up on sleep, I woke up around 10am looking into the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. After some tedious revision, I met up with my lady-friend to have lunch together, in which I cooked my student speciality.

Cheesey Pasta! (Or Pasta with grated cheese on the top. It's good, I promise you!)

I know what you're thinking, you can't possibly get anymore wined and dined than that. You'd be wrong. We also had some cost effective water to drink. We had a lot of fun though, we've watched a bit of Top Gear together, quite a few YouTube videos and we even managed to play a few games together that I found online that were football and basketball related. It was a drama filled set of matches let me tell you. Own goals were everywhere and controversy was rife but in the end, I emerged the champion.
(Shhhh, it was very close though)

Since then, much revision has been attempted with relatively little success until 8pm when it became time for hockey training! My captain is notoriously keen on his fitness and it's customary to have a 40 minute fitness session each training for each team. It was surprisingly light this week with our run but was still not very pleasant, presumably no thanks to the vast amounts of turkey and chocolate I've managed to inhale over the last few weeks! So anyway, after returning from our "light jog" to the astroturf where we were told we would be playing a game next, my requests to a divine god to be swallowed up into the ground or for a few minutes of slight rest were seemingly denied, and we put on shinpads, got our sticks and got to it. Luckily, the team are all boys, and as such weren't in the mood for the first training back to be super keen. So as this was the case, we split into people who wanted to play hockey on half of the pitch while the others played football. That was good fun and we finished early so all in all, it could have been a lot worse.

In retrospect, I think the worst part was the £55 I had to shell out for a set of kit! Oh well, I've yet to work out what percentage that will be of the student loan but I'm not sure I'd like to know. 

So after having a shower I'm just lying in bed now waiting to fall asleep before a daunting midday terror of an exam tomorrow, I have my doubts but I'll let you know how it goes. I wonder if a tear stained blog is possible at all?

Thanks for taking the time to read, I really appreciate it

Suddenly the wilderness doesn't seem so wild

Hi fellow member of the internet!

I'm writing today as a very happy boy. Yesterday I was reunited with my girlfriend after being apart for 3 weeks on christmas holidays from University. That time that we spent apart though weirdly brought us closer together I think. The fact that we talked so much everyday and skyped when we could despite being over an hour drive away from each other shows how much a person cares and there are so many times I felt immeasurably touched by her sincerity and kindness and I still do.

She arrived yesterday to a cold train station a few minutes late and I was running around trying to find change for the parking meter at the train station because I couldn't for the life of me find the 20 minute spaces that you can use for free. Eventually after realising I was £1.10 short of the amount that I needed to get a ticket from the parking machine, I sprinted over to a taxi that I saw near by and almost begged the attending driver to change a note so I could actually pay for the machine. I was in luck as he got out his fancy coin sorted and filtered me £5 change in coins and a £5 note to my delight. Realising I was barely on the minutes I proceeded to sprint back to my car and then to the platform in order to wait for her imminent arrival.

This is it, I thought, the moment you've been waiting for for the last 3 weeks. You've done it old chap. As if the world was to specifically want to provide me with a minor inconvenience, she arrived but on the other side of the platform! I swear, only I would be in that scenario...

Eventually she came down the stairs to the side I was on and eventually her smile came into view. I was hooked. I had a smile plastered onto my face from the moment she had arrived on the other side and it had only gone and gotten bigger. I proceeded to do what I had missed more than anything over the christmas holiday and say hello to her accompanied with a hug and kiss. My life feels complete again and suddenly the wilderness doesn't seem as wild as I'd originally thought.

So what's up now you might ask? Well I'm currently back in my halls room, I've gone through my morning ritual and am just hammering away before I get set on some awful revision. I've got an exam tomorrow on the topic of "Psychology as a Science". Or as I like to call it, "3 essays in 90 minutes to make your fingers fall off."

You might have an idea that I'm not looking forward to it.
You'd be right.

Other than that today, I'm making lunch for me and my girlfriend at around 12:30 and revising. I might have a hockey training later but I'm not too sure. Nevertheless, it's gradually getting back to the daily grind and I hope I can bring you along for the ride.
